Becoming the Pin-Up Girl

I'm on a journey from obesity to health.. and I'm hoping to reveal my inner Pin-Up Girl along the way ;-)

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I feel lousy. I've been sick to my stomach off and on since the weekend - haven't been able to eat much. I dry-heaved after drinking about 1/3 of my morning protein yesterday. I stayed in bed all day Tuesday and Wednesday because I was just exhausted. I tried to stay hydrated but I know I didn't drink enough. I'm here at work today but I wish I wasn't. Tried to eat 1/4 cup of lentil soup - now I'm nauseated. This sucks. I hope it's just a virus. I'm having my bloodwork done this afternoon before my 6 month checkup on Tuesday. I hope everything is ok.


Blogger Too Fat To Fly... said...

Awww, I hope you feel better soon, Danyele and that you are soon back to your own sweet self :-)

Love & Hugs,

Lins xxx

5:28 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I'm having the same issues. I've been sick for over a week and now my stomach is affected. I don't want to go to the surgeon's but will have to if things don't get better.

Hopefully you can rest this weekend and get better!

5:46 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

Sorry you're not feeling well. Are you sure it's a virus?

If you're feeling tired and run down, you might want to try some sublingual B-12 for a few days. Might help. sells it.

Get Better quick!


6:34 AM  

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